Swimming rescue for swimming pools
Follow this accredited training and become a supervisor in the swimming pool! With practical and theoretical lessons you will learn essential rescue techniques and emergency skills. As a brigade we provide the complete training and guidance up to your exam.
Dear student,
We are starting with a training course 'swimming rescue for swimming pools'. This is a training course recognised by the NRZ and KNBRD, which allows you to work as a supervisor in a swimming pool. The course will take place mainly in the open-air swimming pool De Wiemel, Molenstraat 50a, in Deurne.
For the theory part, we will use the swimming rescue manual for swimming pools. This part will be covered in one theory lesson. Then you have to write a paper about 2 situations that can occur in a swimming pool. You will receive this assignment digitally.
The practical exam lasts one hour. In the lessons leading up to it, we lay a good foundation and then dot the i's. Special attention in these lessons for a perfect execution of grips, the use of rescue equipment, communication, condition and leadership in an emergency. For these lessons, you must wear sports pants and a T-shirt with (short) sleeves over your swimwear.
Make sure you are in the swimming pool hall at 7:50 am at the first lesson, so that we can start the first lesson in the pool on time.
Always be on time, because classes start on time.
Opleiding ZRZ in Hilvarenbeek
For participants who participate on behalf of their employer and have agreed that the employer will pay the bill, the bill will be sent directly to the employer.
The course, exam and diploma fee for this course is € 190 (all inclusive).
Please transfer this amount to account number before the exam
NL 96 ABNA 0602 79 11 70 in the name of the Eindhoven Rescue Brigade in Eindhoven.
When making the transfer, please state: Course ZRZ and the full FIRST NAME and LAST NAME of the participant .
Hopefully you have all the information now, enjoy the course.
For more information:
🧍 Bob Dekkers